
About | Trailer | Credits

WILLIAMSBURGH BROOKLYN is a transmedia work-in-progress.

The trailer includes three sample chapters (total duration: 4:45 min.) :

  • Cars

  • It Was Like a Playground

  • It Was Brooklyn


Sian Evans: director/producer. 

Sian has produced documentaries for Discovery; PBS; NBC and A&E. Sian is proudest of her work on BEARING WITNESS for Barbara Kopple/Cabin Creek Films and her work for Jimmy Breslin’s People/ABC, particularly POTTER’S FIELD, on New York City’s burial of its unclaimed dead. She is currently making “DRUNKEN: What the Children Saw.” www.drunkenfilm.com   www.farthestfilms.com


Josh Povec: editor/producer. 

Josh has edited hundreds of hours of Discovery and National Geographic programming, with additional programs airing on Discovery, Animal Planet, PBS, and The Science Channel.

Josh teaches at the Maine Media Workshop, Rockport, Maine.


Kevin Murphy: Cinematographer. 

Kevin has been shooting and lighting film since the early 1980’s. He was Lighting Director for EDWARD SCISSORHANDS; BATMAN RETURNS; DONNIE BRASCO, THE TRUMAN SHOW, and more. 


Excerpts Music Credits: 

'3rd Density Blues' by Sinewave. Album: Unity Gain.

'Induction' by Broken Spindles. Album: Fulfilled/Complete.

'A fuoco' by Ludovico Einaudi. Album: Una Mattina.


Ben Hillman & Company: Design.

Ben is an award-winning filmmaker, designer, writer and illustrator who loves subatomic particles and Betty Boop. Ben's company works on multifarious projects across all media except for macramé and Etch-A-Sketch. www.benhillman.com


Special thanks to all the Berry Street Irregulars who have generously agreed to trust us with stories from our complicated lives. The filmmakers hope we continue to be worthy of that trust.

Johnny Lieberman

Ken McKay

Josephine Wallace

Suzanne Marshall


All photographs copyright of the original photographers. They include:

Sian Evans

Johnny Lieberman

Elaine McKay

Ken McKay

Katherine Withers


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/williamsburgh.brooklyn
